Title: The
Pirates of Vampire
Island, A Paranormal
Romantic Thriller
Series: Steamy Voyages, Series #1
Author: Phoenix
and Lover Boy
Publisher: Self (Amazon and B&N)
Length: 61,700 words
Genres: Paranormal Romance (Adventure)
Heat Level: Sizzling
Pretty Jane
O'Doherty always chooses the wrong kind of guys. Her specialty seems to be guys
who have serious flaws and who break her heart.
Her last breakup
was a year ago and still she can hear his final words, "I'm sorry, Jane.
I've found someone else."
A 30-day cruise
through the exotic Indonesian
Islands with her best
friend seems like the perfect distraction to mend her broken heart.
On board, she
meets devastatingly gorgeous Nick, who attracts women in droves, including our
lovely Jane.
And she meets Peter,
who is the cute geek with puppy dog eyes.
Will either one
just lead to another broken heart?
Should she run
the other way from them both and just enjoy the cruise?
But before Jane
can decide, the ship is attacked by modern day pirates.
Unlike the
pirates of old, these guys are vampires and are more interested in human
treasure than gold and jewels.
They take over
the ship and take twelve women hostage.
And the handsome
pirate leader—with eerie chalk-white skin, and red eyes, is looking for a special
prize. He wants a woman for his mate and queen . . .
Jane catches his
eye, but she, along with Nick and Peter, manage to escape in a lifeboat and
onto the open sea.
They drift for
fourteen days before finally finding an island.
But the fates
are cruel, and their island turns out to be the home of the pirates and the
lair of the Vampire.
The Pirates of
Vampire Island is non-stop action . . . filled with adventure, suspense . . .
and steamy romance.
As we approached the outdoor swimming pool on
the top deck, I saw dark clouds threatening a storm. My hair was whipping in the
wind. I shivered. Bad idea. But Remy was undaunted. She immediately ran and did
a cannonball. As I stood wondering if I should just go back to the cabin, a
waiter came up, a small, dark boy about sixteen, probably a native of the area.
He wore a short white jacket with epaulets and black pants.
"Would you like a drink, mum?"
"How about a snow suit?" I laughed.
"Just kidding. No, I'm good for now." I surveyed the sunbathers and
swimmers. There he was. As usual, he was surrounded by women. He was dressed in
a simple white pullover sweater and tan slacks, but the cut and fabric screamed
money. His luxurious, curly black hair whipped in the wind, making him look
very unkempt, rugged, and nonchalant, as if fine grooming was so not important
because he was stunningly handsome no matter what he wore or did.
"Excuse me, sir?" I said.
The waiter turned.
"What's that guy's name? The one with
the black curly hair."
"Nickolas Angelopoulos." He stood
for a moment. "Anything else I can help you with?"
"Nope. Thank you," I said, not
taking my eyes off the amazing-looking man.
"You're gawking."
I shook myself and looked down. Remy was
hanging on the side of the pool. "Yeah, I guess I am."
of that.
"I'm coming in." I walked over to
the diving board and performed a perfect dive. I had always been very athletic,
and I knew my body showed it.
I swam several laps, trying not to look at
this guy named Nickolas, and climbed out of the pool, dripping water, and
squeezing it out of my thick mane. I shivered a little in the cool wind, and as
I finished drying, I saw out of the corner of my eye that Nicholas was staring
at me – well, at my chest anyway. I looked down to see that my nipples were
perfectly erect through my black bikini. I quickly draped my towel around my
shoulders so it covered my breasts and was suddenly looking for a quick way to
Add one woman with so much lacking in the self confidence department, one completely arrogant playboy, the boy next door that grows into a man, a cruise gone wrong and an island full of nasty vampires? The Pirates of Vampire Island. Whew!!! I'm tired but its a good tired.
If you are expecting sparkly vampires, this book is so not for you. Expecting the arrogant playboy to change? Nope, again. The heroine to finally get some self confidence? You bet. The boy next door growing up...yes again.
I won't rehash the plot summary but this book is the wildest ride I've been on in awhile. Its violent, well plotted, the setting is rich and you can tell that the authors researched the islands and pirates in general. At first Jane was your typical romance heroine. Mousey, unsure of herself, dating the wrong men and going on a cruise that was supposed to be a break from her life. I will admit that I didn't connect with her in the beginning. I kept thinking to myself, surely she will grow on me and grow in the book. Yes, she did.
Nickolas, the arrogant playboy can and will charm the panties off of anyone. As you know, I love a great Harlequin Presents hero - like Nickolas - but he was beyond redemption for me. I never liked him but that was the point. His character was written perfectly in my opinion. Great job.
Peter to me was the true hero in the book. In fact, if Nickolas didn't exist in the book, I think Peter's character would have been lost. The difference between both men was apparent and necessary for Jane's growth in the book. Loved it.
I will caution you on a couple of things in the books. The vampires are nasty, cruel and violent. Yes, there is violence and its brutal. No sparkly vampires here and it was nice to read a different twist on the whole vamp genre. Leon, the leader is such a bad ass that you need to read this book and try to disagree with me. Also, this book is defintely a thriller which I loved. The action and story were different from the typical romantic suspense that I usually read. The twists and the overall flow of the book was spot on.
I can't wait for book #2 in this series. I'm hoping that Remy's story is next. Hint, hint!!! No pressure.

I was born in St.
Paul, Minnesota, and grew up in California. I came from
a long line of Americans who were pioneers and individualists. The family tree
is filled with rugged people: rough coal miners, pioneers, and farmers living
in log cabins in the early west. I wrote A Whisper from Eden, A Historical
Fantasy, but like to write in several genres.
Lover Boy (aka my
husband) was born and raised in Anaheim,
California and wishes to remain
anonymous because he doesn’t want anyone to know he likes to write romance
novels. (Let's keep his secret.)
Paranormal Romantic Thriller (Steamy Voyages #1). And we are working the sequel
to Steamy Voyages and a dystopian thriller, The Trash Pile People. We live in Hollywood with our ornery
tomcat, Snickers.
Twitter: @PhoenixRead
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Facebook Page: Fiction by Phoenix
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Central: Amazon.com/author/phoenixread